Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Eliza Kruger

Eliza Kruger had a relationship with Mark Sanchez, seven years older than him. And now the news of her alleged affair is everywhere, when Eliza Kruger and Mark Sanchez has a relation is irrelevant. The mere mention of their names in the same sentence of today has the same effect of public relations. For Sanchez, the medium is not new and can be expected that the New York Jets of the response of the PR department as Eliza Kruger, daughter of the financier hedge Connecticut Konrad "Chip" Kruger, took the young blonde who has shared his story about the Romance of the piece 24 years of football star Mark Sanchez is young, beautiful, a great franchise in the largest city in the world, with more media attention of the planet, and perhaps half of Manhattan and Long Iceland's most beautiful women in their removal and after a student Clarin If an editor told him he would investigate the legality of the relationship, would Eliza, who said that age for sexual consent in New Jersey is 16. ◦

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